It’s a new year and a good time to see the latest figures on usage related to LinkedIn.

Without much doubt, the pandemic and the need to drive business online, coupled with the natural digital transformation occurring, has spiked LinkedIn usage in the business world.

While different social media platforms assist different types of business in different ways, it’s hard to deny the rach and power of LinkedIn – particularly for the business-to-business community.

Here are the latest usage numbers released this week.

  • 706 Million + users
  • 55 million companies are on LinkedIn
  • 3 professionals sign up to join LinkedIn every second

The clear message here is if you are not one of the 55 million companies on LinkedIn, you may well fall behind the competition. While we say the new world demands we reach people where they want to be reached, it’s clear through these statistics and those below, the business community can be reached on LinkedIn.

Here are some statistics on LinkedIn’s growth in 2020.

  • 1 billion interactions on LinkedIn
  • 55% more conversations between connected members
  • 60% more content shared
  • #1 most trusted social media platform according the Business Insider
  • After their ads were seen on LinkedIn, brands were considered:
    • 50% higher quality
    • 92% more professional
    • 74% more intelligent
    • 59% more respectible

Take a quick look at company pages. Are your competitors on LinkedIn? What do they know that you’re missing. And if they’re not, the opportunity is open for you to take advantage of the powerful ability to connect with a potential client base.

Peter Haggert helps companies make optimum use of LinkedIn through both their personal staff pages and their company pages. He can be reached at or visit

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