
LinkedIn for Business Prosperity (60 minutes)

There are 760 million users of LinkedIn, the world’s premier tool to reach a business audience. This course will show you how to access connections that make sense for you and your business and help you grow your influence, audience and profit.

(See extended training module below)

The Power of The Press Release (60 minutes) 

The press release is alive and well and should be part of your communication strategy. It remains an invaluable tool to reach journalists and new audiences. It can play a significant communications role inside your company as well.

Tips to Make the Most of your Marketing Content (60 minutes)

Why recreate the wheel every time you have a new marketing campaign? This course will give you some ideas how to make the most of your marketing content, exposing your message to more audiences and in different forms.

LinkedIn for Non-profits (60 minutes)

LinkedIn is a powerful tool to make connections, share information and build deep contacts within the business community. It provides great opportunity for non-profit organizations to diversify and extend their relationship driven prospecting. 

Taking Meeting Minutes (60 minutes)

What do you include? What do you exclude? There are some simple practices to m ake your meeting minute taking both effective and actionable,  precise and complete.

Building your Board (60 minutes)

Having the right kind of leadership for your community organization is critical. You need the right people to perform the right tasks and be qualified to amke the necessary decisions. Where do you start?

Some practical tips for creating bylaws and committee rules (60 minutes)

You never need bylaws – until you need bylaws. So you might as well get it right the first time and cover all the governance issues before they rear their heads in the day-to-day operation of your organiztion. this webinar will help you find a few good places to look to create rules.


LinkedIn for Business Prosperity


This course is designed to be one hour, three hour or 6.5 hours in duration. It can be administered in one sitting, or can be development in weekly, bi-monthly or monthly online workshops.


60 minutes


Learn  basics of using and creating LinkedIn personal and company pages,



Course materials: 

Computer access is preferred but not essential during this event.

Course content:

Personal page:

  • highlights of most important tabs to create on a personal page
  • Best practice examples

Corporate page:

  • Basics of corporate page development
  • Concepts for optimizing company page with individual pages
  • Identify key areas for initial development of page
  • Basic knowledge of how to successfully enhance a LinkedIn corporate profile


  • Personal profile
  • Understanding of the role of the corporate page and interaction between the two
  • Basic knowledge of how to build a corporate page


3 hours


This course offers an in-depth look at how to tie business pages and personal pages together to create a powerful personal, professional and company-passionate brand.


None. Some development and use of LinkedIn profiles helpful but not required.

Course materials: 

Computer access strongly preferred but not essential for this event.

Course content:

Personal profile:

  • Explanation of personal page value, creation
  • Highlights of all tabs to create a personal page
  • Best practice examples
  • Discussion of posting and key content groups
  • Quick fix workshop for on-the-spot page improvement

Corporate page:

  • Advanced knowledge of how to optimize a LinkedIn personal page
  • Understanding the role of the corporate page and the interaction between the two
  • Advanced knowledge of how to optimize a LinkedIn personal page
  • Understanding the role of the corporate page and the interaction between the two
  • Advanced knowledge of how to build a corporate page


  • Advanced knowledge of how to optimize a LinkedIn personal page
  • Understanding the role of the corporate page and the interaction between the two


6.5 Hours


In-depth development of personal and corporate pages earn  basics of the LinkedIn personal and company pages including deep training in LinkedIn brands, LinkedIn Navigator and lead sourcing.


None; some development of LinkedIn properties and use of LinkedIn helpful but not required.

Course materials: 

Computer access strongly preferred but not essential during this event. PDF workbook provided.

Course content:

Personal profile:

  • Explanation of personal page value and creation
  • Best practice examples
  • Posting and key content groups
  • Content sourcing
  • Content development planning
  • Pre-event assessment of group’s personal LinkedIn pages highlighting key areas for enhancement
  • Tutorial for LinkedIn Navigator
  • Development of LinkedIn Navigator for lead generation
  • Company labelled 18-page ebook on Developing Your Personal LinkedIn page

Corporate profile:

  • Advanced training on corporate page development
  • Concepts for synchronization of corporate and personal pages
  • Identify prioritization for development of page
  • Plan development to grow page followers
  • Plan development of other key tabs
  • Development of corporate influencer’s role
  • Key strategies for content sharing
  • Company labelled 18-page ebook on Developing your Corporate LinkedIn page


  • Immediate improvement to participant personal LinkedIn pages
  • Personal plan for using LinkedIn daily
  • Comprehension of the role between personal and company pages
  • Immediate improvement and strategy for continued corporate page improvement
  • Strategy for creating a corporate influencer
  • Strategy for interaction between corporate and personal pages

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